Monday 9 December 2013

Food Drive

Dear Parents,
During the month of December your child will be learning why some people celebrate different things before the New Year.

We have talked about Eid that passed recently. And now we are understanding why people celebrate Chanukah / Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.

Also during the holidays this is the time to give others who do not have.
Which is why we are having a food drive.

It is important for students to learn about what other people celebrate since we live in a multi-cultural community/provience/Country. 

Please support your child by talking about that it is good other people celebrate different things.
It shows respect to their friends.

Thank you 
- Miss Mohammed

Winter Celebrations!!

Christmas is coming in our class we have been talking about the Winter season and what Christmas is all about.

It is a celebration that Canadians and Christians celebrate.

Advent (Begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas)
- means "arrival," and it is the name Christians give to the four weeks leading up to Christmas. In homes and churches, people set out special candle holders or Advent wreathes. One candle is lit each Sunday.

But also in the winter month we have other celebrations.
Such as:
  • Hannukah that just passed
  • St. Lucia Day (December 13)

  • Mexican Posadas (December 16- 24)

  • The Winter Solstice (December 21)

  • Christmas Eve (December 24)

  • Christmas Day (December 25)

  • Kwanza (December 26)

  • New Year's Eve (December 31) 

The Mitten

The Mitten
A Ukrainian Folktale
 retold and illustrated by 
Jan BrettG. P. Putnam Sons
ISBN: 0-399-21920-X

Read Aloud : YouTube

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hanukkah 2013

Hanukkah 2013

began in the evening of Wednesday, November 27 and ended in the evening of Thursday, December 5

In our class we celebrated Hanukkah with students.
We learned the DREIDEL song

I have a little dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play
It has a lovely body
With legs so short and thin
And when it is so tired
It drops and then I win!
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play
My dreidel's always playful
It loves to dance and spin
A happy game of dreidel
Come play now, let's begin!
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play