
Curriculum Expectations:

Students have responsibilities with regard to their learning as they advance through school. Students who are willing to make the effort required, and who are able to apply themselves, will soon learn that there is a direct relationship between achievement and hard work, and will be motivated to work as a result.
(The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8)

In ESL/ELD I will be focusing on a small group or one-to-one literacy program. My program will cue into reading, writing, oral communication, listening ....

" Ontario schools serve a student population from a rich array of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Throughout the province, many students in Englishlanguage schools are English language learners (ELLs) – students who are learning the language of instruction at the same time as they are learning the curriculum and developing a full range of literacy skills.More teachers than ever before are responding to the specific kinds of challenges that these students bring with them to the classroom. Teachers are also learning that the results can be inspiring, exciting, and rewarding for everyone. All students, including English language learners, are expected to meet the rigorous challenges of the Ontario curriculum. Effective language and literacy instruction begins with the needs of the learner clearly in mind, and all teachers – across all content areas – are teachers of both language and literacy. Their success is a shared responsibility. Teachers and administrators are working together with parents to ensure that all of Ontario’s students are ready to take 
their place in a cohesive and productive society.  " (P.2 A Practical Guide for Ontario Educators Grades1-8

For a detailed look at the ESL/ELD program and curriculum please refer to this link:

Related Documents This presentation includes information on how a number of ministry policies, strategies and initiatives are reflected within the Ontario Curriculum.





Growing Success


For a complete overview of the Provincial Expectations, please refer to:

The ArtsFrench as a Second
Language (Core)
French as a Second Language
(Extended and Immersion)

   Language                     Health & Physical 

Mathematics                     Native Language              Science & Technology


Social Studies;
History & Geography
   Full Day Kindergarten


Simple steps to your child's success:

Taken from: 

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